In 2016 farmers of maharashtra were facing financial crunch so Windals precision and Apulkee Samajik Sanstha jointly run a campaign to help out distress farmer community in Vidarbha to wave off crop loan for financially weaker farmer’s family. Apulkee local team has run a vital search to identify the family who are in verge of suicidal conditions and we as a team has decided to help them to clear their previous crop loan through our campaign.
We identified 129 much needed farmer families who were on the verge of sucidal condition & wave off their crop loan submitting cheques in their respected bank.
We as a team feels that this campaign is milestone in the journey of Apulkee. We are thankful to Mayuri Joshi who initiated this campaign along with windals precision, netalkar group & other companies who helped us in this much needed campaign.
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